What REALLY Killed Engineers on LV-223 || Analysis Hidden Clues Prometheus

Описание к видео What REALLY Killed Engineers on LV-223 || Analysis Hidden Clues Prometheus

What was the accident on LV 223 that killed the Engineers and stopped them from launching an assault on Earth?

What is the Green Goo on the hologram panel?

In this video I wanna talk about what really happened to Engineers on LV 223. there are many clues in Prometheus about this accident including the hologram and the pile of Engineer bodies. I’ll say right away that the assumptions that the crew makes about what happened are mostly wrong just like their thoughts about the nature of engineers. This theory that I have actually explains why there is only one engineer left alive why he didn’t launch the ship 2000 years ago, what is excatly the Green Goo that David sees on the panel and there is one specific clue that almost directly indicates who killed the Engineers.

First of all, the entrance to that temple required the Prometheus crew to physically crouch down and wiggle their way through a broken door. As we can see there is a curved door frame and what seem to be layers of a stone/metallic door, of which the final panel was busted in.

There is no way an Engineer would fit through that small portion of open door. Thus, the door to the Temple was clearly shut or in the process of closing when something busted in not out as we are meant to belive.

This shot shows clear cuts and straight metallic borders on each panel, indicating that this was not simply a "hole in the Pyramid". All that suggests the Temple may have fallen prey to an attack, rather than an outbreak...

Given the analysis above, it leaves us with a few probabilities. Either the Pyramid and the Engineer installations on LV-223 were the target of another fraction of Engineers, or an Alien creature got loose on the planet, found its way to the Pyramid, broke its way in and killed the engineers

Now that we know that it was an attack on the temple, let’s talk about who or what could have done it.

LV-223 and LV-426 (seen in ALIEN and ALIENS) are part of the same system. The Space Jockey ship which crashed on LV-426 was very, very old and carried a cargo full of Xenomorph Eggs. Is it possible, that the Space Jockey represented a different race of Engineer, one that was opposed to the group on LV-223, that could explain the size difference between the Space Jokey and Engineers in Prometheus. or possibly the Space Jokey was a radical from their own group, who attempted to stop the assault on Earth. There could have been an Engineer civil war due to the one extremist fraction and will to destroy Humanity. Perhaps Aliens were dropped onto the LV-223 to eradicate the Engineers before they launched their assault on Earth, but in the process, the cargo was unstable and got loose somehow - killing the radical Space Jockey in the process and crashing on LV-426 shortly after its "drive-by" of LV-223. Certainly a possible scenario

The Green Goo on the Hologram control panel

Let’s discuss what is the green goo on the hologram control panel. This is not the Black Goo and it looks very reminiscent of Xenomorph saliva, however it's not. Upon closer analyzing the goo, David remarks "impressive..." and when zoomed in, it looks like the Goo consists of intricate cells which are seemingly still active, even after 2,000 years.

What is this green goo then, I think it may be Engineer blood. In the comic books, when Engineer fought with a predator, his blood was clearly green. I also made a video about this fights, you can check it out on my channel. The burnt Engineer face has some green spots and when the deacon bursts out of the Engineers, we can also see some green drops despite that Deacon contaminated the engineer body and organs turning them blue.

But who actually killed the Engineers, there are some Blatant audio clues to support an Alien attack

At the end of the movie, we witness deacon and his roar. So the weird sound that we hear at the beginning of the hologram is actually Deacon.
ou can compare your self the audio played at the start of the hologram at the end of Prometheus and the two match up identically.

That can give a possible answer why there only one Engineer left alive.

Given that the crew didn’t find the Deacon’d body there was an Engineer vs. Deacon conflict following the initial attack. The Engineer, who David wakes up in Prometheus was the only one to survive the ordeal and who likely killed the Deacon or at least trapped it in the room, behind the pile of dead Engineer bodies. Why he didn't flee in the Juggernaut ship is unknown, but could be due to the fact that he was infected by the Deacon prior to his victory - leaving a spore inside of him.

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