Sling TSi engine failure after takeoff - Impossible Turn analysis

Описание к видео Sling TSi engine failure after takeoff - Impossible Turn analysis

This is a discussion of the consideration of a 180-degree turnback to the departure runway in the event of an engine failure after takeoff. This video is no substitute for training with your CFI. The information provided herein is for discussion purposes only. Please contact your CFI for appropriate instruction on this matter.

Many of the slides were from this video on the EAA website:

Digital flight data analysis was generously provided by

InFlight Metrics Disclaimer:
· All information in this video from InFlight Metrics is provided for discussion-related purposes only. No representations are made as to the accuracy of the information, including the turnback visualizations, flight plots, flight data, and models.

· The information in the video should not be used for aeronautical decision-making. The performance of any aircraft during an actual emergency may be significantly better or worse than what the report, visualization, or plots provided due to many factors not being considered as part of the analysis.
· By using the information in this report from InFlight Metrics, the listener agrees that InFlight Metrics will not be held responsible for any accident, incident, or injury. The operator is responsible for safely operating their plane within the limits set by the manufacturer.

00:00 Intro
01:07 NTSB stats
03:09 Why pilots stall in the turnback
07:10 Old methods of determining minimum turnback altitude
10:02 Using digital flight data recordings to determine minimum turnback altitude
13:10 What speed to fly in the turnback
15:20 Turnback tips
17:15 Recording my turnbacks
27:23 Flight Data analysis for engine-out turnbacks in my Sling TSi
35:35 Variables and considerations
42:15 Sling TSi advantages


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