Filhos da Terra 澳.土.Sons of the Land

Описание к видео Filhos da Terra 澳.土.Sons of the Land

Filhos da Terra 澳.土.Sons of the Land

導演.Dir: 黎若嵐.Elisabella Larrea 2008/36’



導演簡介:: 生為第八代土生葡人的黎若嵐(ELISABELA LARREA),從小便受著傳統土生葡人習俗及思想影響,加上對舊照片及舊報章的偏愛,更令她對本土文化有著濃厚興趣。於2006年曾發表「後殖民時期的土生葡人民族身份認知之研究」的黎若嵐,現正修讀跨文化研究博士課程 ,研究題目為 「我們是誰?透過描述性分析土生土語話劇解構土生葡人社群」。她亦曾透過其他藝術載體紀錄土生葡人文化,作品包括裝置藝術《活動油畫》、以土生葡人的自我反思為題的紀錄片《澳‧土》、中央電視台"澳門回歸十週年特別報道”短片《不變的土》及劇情短片《堂口故事2 ─愛情在城》。

The Macanese, creole descendants with Portuguese heredity, are the living history of their Terra Natal (birthplace) - Macau. These people are not only physical proof of the harmonious blending between East and West. Their culture, their Patuá (patois), as well as their customs best illustrate this multiculturalism. However, with globalization and the uncertainty of their continuance in the post-colonial era, what are to become of them? Facing this uncertainty, the documentary aims to capture the surviving moments of their chuchumecas (small talk, gossip), joyful spirit, and love for their terra (land). This documentary also acts as a megaphone, spreading and leaving the voices of the Filhos da Terra (Sons of the Land) for eternity…

The documentary was screened in places such as Portugal, and Beijing.

About the director

Eighth generation descendent of a traditional Macanese family, Elisabela Larrea has always been influenced by traditional Macanese customs and values, with the pleasure of listening to her grandfather’s childhood stories of Macau, her passion for the Macanese culture grew alongside her fascination for old Macau photos and newspapers. Elisabela Larrea started her devotion to the preservation of Macanese culture when she first presented her research paper on "Macanese in the Global Network: a study of Post-colonial Macanese Cultural Identity Performance at the International Symposium on National Identity and the Future of Cross-Strait Relations. She is currently conducting her doctorate research ““Quim Sâm Nôs? A Study of Macanese community through descriptive analysis of Patuá theatre”. She also worked with different mediums with Macanese culture as the main theme, such artworks include the video installation piece "Motion Painting” (2006), the Documentary film "Sons of the Land” (2007), China Central Television's series of Macau Directors on Macau "Unchanged Soil” and the feature film “Macau Stories 2 - Love in the City”.


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