Impact of Generative AI on Industry- Renewable Energy in Rajasthan - Webinar by Samta Power

Описание к видео Impact of Generative AI on Industry- Renewable Energy in Rajasthan - Webinar by Samta Power

Samta Power conducted a Zoom Webinar on "Impact of Generative AI on Industry- Renewable Energy " on Saturday, 13th July 24
1. To discus power & solar issues with industry members of LAGHU UDYOG BHARTI.

2. Revolutionizing the utilities and renewable energy industry with Generative AI: Exploring the potential and opportunities -by Er. Subham Jain, an Expert on AI.

Q&A - by Er. Subham Jain, AI Expert

Vote of Thanks- Er.Y.K.Bolia

The webinar was well attended and the industry leaders and Rajasthan Disco m retired officials learned about latest AI intervention in Renewable Energy Technology, and industry issues of power & solar sector.


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