"Emmanuel God With Us" - Austin Stone Worship

Описание к видео "Emmanuel God With Us" - Austin Stone Worship

https://everflowalbum.com - EVERFLOW was crafted by 200-plus songwriters, musicians, photographers, filmmakers, designers and storytellers from The Austin Stone Community Church in response to the themes of the book of 1 Peter. Aiming to point you to the supremacy of Jesus in all things, through suffering and through redemption, EVERFLOW's thirteen tracks include instrumental “Selahs,” short pauses amidst the lyrical songs to give you a moment to reflect on the truths expressed in the lyrics.

Check out all of the resources for EVERFLOW, including free chord charts, number charts, video tutorials for how to play each instrument, and an EVERFLOW devotional to help the truths in each song take root in your heart!
http://www.austinstoneworship.com/ - Check out more free resources for leading worship!


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