Faresin PF2.18 Plus Demo | Feeding the Dairy Cows

Описание к видео Faresin PF2.18 Plus Demo | Feeding the Dairy Cows

Caught up with Tamneymore Farms with some winter feeding as the freezing fog was moving in...

With 250 cows going through the parlour we catch up as the cows get fed coming out of the 1pm milking and the dry cows are getting fed with the Demo Faresin PF2.18 Plus from Edgewater Plant.

Up front we have the 7S.190 Massey Ferguon wth the JCB 435 filling the diet feeder, with a mix of straw hay meal vitamins and silage fed into the feeder mixed and then fed using the front auger on the feeder allowing for feeding left and right

#arimagery #farming #agriculture #farmlife

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