Making honey scented hand lotion bars using beeswax from start to finish.

Описание к видео Making honey scented hand lotion bars using beeswax from start to finish.

I finally got the time to finish this video last week after starting it at the end of March, time just gets away from me so quickly. It was a video I wanted to do last year but simply could not find the time to do it then, and finally I have finished it. 
In this video I will re render some of the beeswax I had rendered back in early January and then pour the liquid wax into molds. After it cooled down, and I waited a few weeks more just to make sure it was completely cooled, I brought it to Monksoap to have them use it in making their hand lotion bars. I have to admit, the process of Br. Austin making the lotion bars was way more interesting than me just simply melting some beeswax, but I love rendering beeswax so of course I want to video it. 
Since we were videoing in Monksoap, Brother Austin also gave us a rundown on cutting and drying the Monksoap they produce. As well as the soap and hand lotion bars, he also was making beard balm. However, because the video was so long already, I decided not to include it in this video. I know this will disappoint a lot of you guys who like to grow their beards, but if enough of you are disheartened by it not being in the video, I'll make one showing the process as well. 
All of the products made in Monksoap, as well as most of the other products made at the abbey, are sold in the Abbey Gift Shop. However, for those of you interested in buying some of the products but live too far away to visit the abbey, they do sell it online. Go to     , hit the menu display, and find the heading "New, online Gift Shop." Click on that and start shopping. I know many of you will be saddened to see that Abbee Honey is not sold through the Gift Shop Online but only at the Gift Shop itself. However I do have some good news for those interested. 

If you'd like to buy some of our Abbey Honey, I'd be more than happy to send you some. The cost is $10.00 for a one pound, plastic bottle, and $9.00 for shipping. If you want more than one bottle, the shipping cost is still $9.00 for up to 2 bottles, but each bottle is still $10.00. As soon as I get your check, I will send it out. Make the check out to St. Joseph Abbey but send the letter to:Mr. Ed75376 River Rd.St. Benedict, La. 70457If you'd like, I'll even sign the bottle. Looking forward to hearing from you.
One more thing, if anyone is interested in seeing the video I made rendering beeswax to get to the block I started the video with, that link is below. Thanks for watching. God's peace to all. Mr. Ed
   • Melting old beeswax and making it new...  


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