Display Sales Person Filter on Partner Ledger in Odoo

Описание к видео Display Sales Person Filter on Partner Ledger in Odoo

Display Sales Person Filter on Partner Ledger in Odoo
Odoo App Store Link: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/17...

Description: Enhance your Partner Ledger Report with advanced filtering options and additional data visibility. This module introduces a dynamic Salesperson filter to your Partner Ledger Report, allowing you to easily include or exclude salesperson information based on your reporting needs. Whether you need to track sales performance by individual salespeople or streamline your reporting processes, this module provides the flexibility and insights you need.

Key Features:

Salesperson Filter: Easily include a Salesperson filter in the Partner Ledger Report to focus on transactions linked to specific salespeople.
Customizable View: Use a checkbox to toggle the visibility of the Salesperson filter, adapting the report to various needs without altering core settings.
Enhanced Reporting: Display salesperson information directly in the Partner Ledger Report, offering deeper insights into sales activities and performance.
User-Friendly Interface: Seamlessly integrate with existing reports and configurations, making it easy to set up and use without extensive modifications.


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