Tara Talks: Healing Self-Doubt - Tara Brach

Описание к видео Tara Talks: Healing Self-Doubt - Tara Brach

Tara Talks: Healing Self-Doubt - Tara Brach

This short clip draws on an archetypal story from the life of the Buddha, and guides us in working with self-doubt.

To watch the full talk, go to: https://www.tarabrach.com/part-2-beyo...


Tara Talks is a series of short offerings found within Tara's dharma talks; short talks that bring the teachings to life and give profound insight on the path toward living from an awakened heart-mind.

To see more Tara Talks, go to:    • 'Tara Talks' Series: What is It? - Ta...  

Visit Tara's website: www.tarabrach.com

With thanks and love, Tara


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