Master Yi Guide for NEW Season 2024 NO LETHAL TEMPO!

Описание к видео Master Yi Guide for NEW Season 2024 NO LETHAL TEMPO!

0:41 The Build
0:52 standard Runes
2:22 My Runes
3:17 Hail of Blades
4:38 Items
5:07 First Item?
5:33 Kraken Slayer
6:08 BOTRK
6:38 guinsoos
7:10 navori flickerblade
7:35 wits end
7:38 static shiv
7:54 phantom dancer
8:30 Yun Tal Wild Arrows (test)
9:53 blood thirster
10:23 lord dominus
10:40 Maw of Malmortius
10:49 qss
11:07 titanic hydra
11:12 steraks
11:19 deaths dance
11:30 overlords bloodmail
12:00 collector

I am a MASTER YI GOD that plays primarily in the Korea server and other regions like Vietnam and Philippines. I've been high rank basically since I started the game back in 2009 and am here to teach you what I know.

I stream FRIDAY - MONDAY on Twitch and Youtube. I start around 4PM KST / 2AM EST / 7AM EU.

I used to be a teacher of English but now I get to teach you guys...


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