古筝 "几多愁" (虞美人) Guzheng "Much Sorrow"

Описание к видео 古筝 "几多愁" (虞美人) Guzheng "Much Sorrow"

幾多愁 Much Sorrow
Performed by Carol Chang from Sound of China Guzheng

春花秋月何时了 往事知多少
小楼昨夜又东风 故国不堪回首月明中
雕栏玉砌应犹在 只是朱颜改
问君能有几多愁 恰似一江春水向东流

This is played on Master Ji's Aged Rosewood Guzheng with Inlay 台灣紀師傅老紅木古箏

This piece is a collection in Sound of China Guzheng Basic Tutorial. If you like the song, you can download the score at Sound of China Guzheng Music website:

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