Destroying Client-Server Barriers using TypeScript - London Node User Group - May 2023

Описание к видео Destroying Client-Server Barriers using TypeScript - London Node User Group - May 2023

Destroying Client-Server Barriers using TypeScript - Akash Joshi (@thewritingdev )

Could you access the Prisma client on the frontend - without revealing any environment variables? This talk goes into my experimentation with Object proxies and websockets, allowing a developer to access server-side objects on the client, with type-safety.

I'll walk through how the proxying works, the type-safety features, and everything else which makes the library works.

Use Cases:

Define a type-safe API layer on the backend
Share objects like ORM clients with the frontend
I'm a frontend developer at Meta London, with an extreme interest in open source and building web apps for the future. I have 4 years of professional experience in total, but have been contributing via articles and open-source projects since 2016. You can find me on Twitter @thewritingdev.

[00:00:00] Intro
[00:02:10] How to avoid APIs
[00:03:18] RocketRPC
[00:05:04] Server Side
[00:06:09] Rocket RPC Use Client
[00:07:40] Writing Custom Methods
[00:08:42] Accessing Prisma from the front end
[00:10:10] Adding persistence
[00:13:56] Other things
[00:16:13] How does it work? Typescript
[00:19:27] Object Proxies
[00:20:30] What does the getrap do?
[00:22:23] Socket IO
[00:24:35] Queue Object
[00:26:32] Summary
[00:27:22] Q&A


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