Android 2.2 root with gingerbreak

Описание к видео Android 2.2 root with gingerbreak

Gingerbreak 1.20 with android 2.2

j'ai utiliser gingerbreak 2 fois avant qu'il fonctionne.
Si vous voulez commencé la video où je n'ai pas eu probleme, aller a 5min30.
Protocole: premierement j'ai installer gingerbreak 1.20 avec astrofilemanager
Apres ça un icone apparait (gingerbreak), je clique dessus, apres le telephone .
Voila vous etes maintenant un superuser

Materiel utilisé:
-Lg p250 android 2.2
-gingerbreack 1.20

Sorry for my bad english =D
I use gingerbreak 2 times before it works.
If you want the video started when I had no problem, go to 5min30.
Protocol: first I installed 1.20 with gingerbreak astrofilemanager
After that an icon appears (gingerbreak), I click on it, after the telephone.
Here you are now a superuser.

Equipment used:
-Lg p250 android 2.2
-gingerbreack 1.20


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