Tielman Brothers - TV studio - Germany (1959)

Описание к видео Tielman Brothers - TV studio - Germany (1959)

The Tielman Brothers - live - TV studio - Germany (1959)
classic indo-instro-rock instrumental
With lead-guitarist, singer Andy Tielman, the uncrowned king of Dutch Indo-Rock.

Lineup: Andy Tielman (lead gt.), Reggy Tielman (2d lead gt.), Ponthon Tielman † (double bass) and Loulou Tielman †(drums).

Indonesia once was a colony from the Netherlands, leading to mutual influences. When Indonesia finally gained independence many Dutch-Indonesians (Indo's) came to the Netherlands, which secured the still lasting Indonesian influence on the Dutch culture.
Just as it spiced up our food it also spiced up our music. The 'invention' of rock 'n' roll lead immediately to the invention of 'Indo-rock'. The Tielman Brothers one of the most important, if not the most important, bands of the Netherlands,
shaped rock 'n'roll in the Netherlands, added the necessary sex element through their great and acrobatic shows and left a vast collection of music


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