Mirror Box Spells - Hoodoo and Folk Magic

Описание к видео Mirror Box Spells - Hoodoo and Folk Magic

Mirror Box Spells are used in Hoodoo and Folk magic to keep an enemy down. Even if you know who crossed you or jinxed you, it might not be enough to simply cleanse yourself and put the curse back on them because they might return later and try the same tactics on you. Bind your opponent in a mirror-box spell to stop the issue from happening again. As a result, everything bad they do will continue to circle back to them, injuring them every time they attempt to harm someone else. A mirror box can be a reflecting spell or a reversal spell.

However, we can also turn the mirrors around and deflect or reflect a bad thing. That is an additional method of using mirrors. A mirror box can be used to contain someone who is bothering us. Allow the mirrors to reflect all of their unfavorable energies back to them. In essence, it turns their own negative actions, words, and ideas back on them.

The usage of a mirror spell to deflect bad energy is another effective working method. It's tidy and simple. Nothing you're doing is bad or damaging for other people. By turning their criticism on you inside out, you are rerouting it.

After placing an enemy doll or effigy inside the box along with evil substances, Carry the "coffin" to a cemetery, secure the lid with string, and then seal the box. As you do so, throw a penny over your left shoulder as payment for their assistance. Ask the ghosts of the cemetery to assist you in holding your enemy down. Bury the mirror box after that, proceed without looking back, and return home via a different path than the one you originally followed. #mirrorbox #hoodoo #voodoo


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