The Rebellious Act of an Artist with Maya Sarah Jones

Описание к видео The Rebellious Act of an Artist with Maya Sarah Jones

About Guest:
Maya Sarah, working from her hometown of Montreal, Quebec as a floral designer and artist with a background in Holistic Health and Psycho-Social intervention work has found a unique way to remind us of all the beauty within the human experience. Using plants and flowers as one of her creative mediums of expression has laid a foundation for the understanding that God truly is everywhere around us and as we walk through our lives, what is it that we are doing to be that mirror out into the world and for ourselves. With care, how can we help walk each other home by remembering how to play again and to appreciate the nature that so eagerly supports our human experience.

Show Notes:
"Her throat is a cave lined with rose quartz. She speaks and the room is a small bird beneath her. There is a galaxy of curls in orbit around her head. She is not a woman who shrinks into the room. She is thunder in the rafters. She is an earthquake in stilettos. Lightening shattering the glass. She smiles and men lay roses on her altar. She laughs and there is no world but her world. No moon but she." a poem by Jeanann Verlee

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Soulful Tool
⁠Book⁠: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin

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