Wilton, Temple & Peterborough NH. History, town tours, last measure mill, large maple market & more.

Описание к видео Wilton, Temple & Peterborough NH. History, town tours, last measure mill, large maple market & more.

Come with me as I follow the Souhegan River along the towns of Wilton, Temple and Peterborough New Hampshire. Visit historic Fryes Measure Mill, the last water powered measure mill anywhere! Check out Ben’s Sugar Shack, a year round mecca of mapley goodness. Then it’s on to the town of Peterborough that inspired Thornton Wilder’s novel, Our Town. Learn a bit about the Industrial Revolution and see beautiful Southern New Hampshire on a hot summer’s day. Covered lots of ground so let’s go…

#visitnewengland #ben’ssugarshack #fryesmeasuremill #wiltonnh #templenh #peterboroughnh #industrialrevolution #ourtown #smalltownamerica #nhmapleproducers


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