Alec/Magnus | Control

Описание к видео Alec/Magnus | Control

Here's a little background info for the video:
Alec realizes that for an angel he is way darker than what his family would want, since on every mission he goes people tend to get beaten or killed. Magnus, much to his father's displease, would rather just scare people and let them go instead of killing them. When the two meet by coincidence, they find themselves very attracted to one another and notice they can be exactly what they are with each other. But no one would expect or accept angel and demon being together, so Alec isn't afraid to take matters into his own hands.
(I'm aware Azazel is not actually Magnus' father, he just fit into scene).

Three things that have come clear here:
AU's are really not my thing
apparently I ran out of music in the end
I'm terrible at wordmixing
(and one more for good luck, I don't even know if that is a correct term)

No profit intended, made just for entertainment purposes, I own nothing but the editing of this vid.


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