The Oscar Aquarium Setup With Plants - Complete Guide

Описание к видео The Oscar Aquarium Setup With Plants - Complete Guide

Based on the subscribers request, I have put together all the videos and made this simple and easy to follow guide on setting up Oscar fish aquarium with plants. This video has been split into few sections, starting with painting the aquarium stand and canopy and then aquascaping Oscar fish aquarium.

Once I have planted some hardy aquarium plants in the Oscar fish tank, I went ahead with setting up the filtration system. It consists of a canister filter and and internal powerhead filter.

After cycling the Oscar aquarium, I added 2 tiger Oscars and few tank mates. Clown loaches goes well in an Oscar tank as bottom dwellers and stay out of these giants. Red-blood parrot fish are peaceful fish and have been kept successfully with Oscar fish.

I hope you enjoy this video and find this complete step by step guide in setting up planted Oscar aquarium useful. I have also written a detailed article on my blog to assist those who like to read and photos from the tank might inspire you more I would suggest don't buy Oscar fish unless you read this article, there are few things you should know prior to keeping these beautiful giants.

Thank you

#Oscarfish #Oscartank #fishaholic


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