Sports Outreach Institute Promo Video

Описание к видео Sports Outreach Institute Promo Video

The fundamental purpose of Sports Outreach Institute, Inc. is to identify and train committed Christian leadership in the effective use and understanding of sports ministry to spread the Gospel and alleviate human suffering...Over 100 full-time and part-time indigenous staff working in Kampala and Gulu Uganda, Nairobi, Kenya and also Ometepec, Mexico. Sports,discipleship, vocational training, feeding programs, are just a few of the money ways to reach out to the poorest of the poor with the love of Jesus. US headquarters is in Lynchburg, VA and a ministry office in Charlotte, NC.

Video Shot on site in Uganda, Kenya, and Mexico. Photography by Rusty Burroughs, John Meinen, Editing: Dan Rutledge - Skylark Entertainment

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