Polymer Clay Earring Tutorial for Beginners / Spotty Slab / Simple Techniques

Описание к видео Polymer Clay Earring Tutorial for Beginners / Spotty Slab / Simple Techniques

Hi! Thanks for joining me for this simple yet fun polymer clay earring tutorial! This would have to be the most colourful slab i have made in a while and I enjoyed every minute of it!
If you are just starting out working with polymer clay you will hopefully find this tutorial simple to follow along and jam packed full of handy tips and tricks too!
All items used in this tutorial are available through our store and website www.thelitttlecrafthouse.com.au

If you enjoy this tutorial I'd love it if you could give it a Thumbs Up - along with subscribing to my channel.
And if you head over to my Instagram and Facebook pages - I post (almost daily) with mini tutorials and inspiration! @thelittlecrafthouseaus

Thanks for watching - and happy crafting!
Nic x


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