How to handle friends who ignore you and you feel taken advantage of

Описание к видео How to handle friends who ignore you and you feel taken advantage of

If you feel like people are only friends with you because they want something from you, you can either drop them as friends, talk about the situation, or only call them when you have nothing better to do! A lot of times they are the type of people who put themselves first and don't really think about anyone else, or anyone else's feelings. And chances are, you aren't the only one they are treating badly. And sometimes, if your friend constantly ignores you, and you can't even get heard, a little sarcasm might help. For instance, you could say, "Um, could I get a word in edgewise, puhhhlease!!" Sometimes it take someone to point out their behavior, to see any results.

Marie Dubuque is a life coach who loves to give advice on everything from dating dilemmas and drama-filled friendships to tricky social situations and romantic relationships gone south!


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