安达组合:用音乐书写草原传奇 | Anda Union: Writing the Legend of the Grassland with Music

Описание к видео 安达组合:用音乐书写草原传奇 | Anda Union: Writing the Legend of the Grassland with Music


On the vast Inner Mongolian grassland, there is a passionate and talented music group that has conquered the hearts of countless listeners with their unique music style and outstanding performance talent. They are - Anda Union.Anda Union was established in 2003 and its members include Bo. Narisu, Qiqigema, Bilig巴特尔, Wurigen, Wuni, Qinggele, Saihanniya, A. Wurigen, and Qinggetu. "Anda" means sworn Brothers in Mongolian and is a spiritual symbol of unity and cooperation. This name not only represents the deep brotherhood among the members of the group, but also reflects their common pursuit and love for music.The members of the group all come from the Inner Mongolian prairie, and their musical works are filled with a strong grassland style and Mongolian cultural characteristics. Most of the members used to be actors in the folk music orchestra of the Inner Mongolia National Song and Dance Theater, with a solid musical foundation and rich stage experience. Their music style incorporates elements of Mongolian traditional music, long-tone, and hummer, forming a unique "Anda style".In 2006, Anda Union participated in the 12th CCTV National Youth Singer TV Grand Prix and won the bronze medal in the national finals with their excellent performance, laying a solid foundation for their music career. The success of this competition made more people start to pay attention to and love their music.In September 2008, Anda Union performed more than ten shows from Kaohsiung, Pingtung to Taipei. This performance allowed their musical talent to be more widely recognized and appreciated. In 2009, they were invited by the Midwest Art Alliance of the United States to tour the United States twice, performing more than 120 shows. This tour not only allowed their music to go abroad, but also allowed more international friends to feel the charm of Mongolian music.In 2012, Anda Union released the album "Hometown", which included their classic works and was well-loved by the audience. Among them, "Fengma" won the Top 10 Records of the Year in the world in the authoritative music magazine "Songlines", and the album "Hometown" also became the winner of the 6th Golden Record in the world and the 1st in the Asia-Pacific region in the authoritative music magazine "Songlines". The success of these two albums has taken their music career to a new height.In 2013, Anda Union released the album "Fengma", which once again demonstrated their musical talent and innovative spirit. The album "Fengma" won the 2017 "Songlines" Music Award Winner in Asia & South Pacific. This honor has allowed their music to be more widely spread and recognized worldwide.In 2022, Anda Union participated in the Inner Mongolia TV Spring Festival Gala, and their wonderful performance won rounds of applause from the audience. In 2023, they participated in the variety show "The Summer of Bands" Season 3, allowing more people to understand and love their music. On February 9, 2024, Anda Union participated in the "2024 CCTV Spring Festival Gala" and performed the program "Eternal Poems" together with the Kizilsu Autonomous Prefecture Song and Dance Troupe and the Kangba Culture and Art Troupe of Chamdo, Tibet.Anda Union has written a legend of their own on the grassland with their musical talent and unremitting efforts. Their musical works not only show the unique charm of Mongolian culture, but also allow more people to understand and love Mongolian music. Their musical journey is still ongoing, and I believe they will bring us more surprises and touches.


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