Taylor GS Mini Mahogany vs Spruce - A/B Comparison and Demo

Описание к видео Taylor GS Mini Mahogany vs Spruce - A/B Comparison and Demo

So, I bought a second GS Mini (a 'hog top to go with the spruce top) and I thought this might be useful for anyone thinking about getting one, or more (!) of these guitars.

I hummed and hawed between the mahogany and the limited edition maple, and in the end decided that the maple was closer to the spruce top than the mahogany, plus I love the sound of mahogany guitars :)

Whichever way around, they're all brilliant little guitars - the musical equivalent of a good quality compact digital camera. It may not take quite such perfect pictures as your high-end SLR, but you can take it absolutely anywhere without worrying about it too much and you'll suddenly find you're taking thousands more pictures than you ever did before! An absolute Go-To, Go Anywhere guitar.

These two are tuned down a half-step, and recorded one after the other in single takes, then edited together, slightly shoddily by Yours Truly. There's no correction or processing, just a normalisation of levels in Sonar.

Finger picking for the first part, with strumming coming in the last couple of minutes.

Hope you find it useful. Enjoy!


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