Witch Hunt - Part 9: Time to go Fishing!

Описание к видео Witch Hunt - Part 9: Time to go Fishing!

It's been a scary and fun ride, but it's time to end this once and for all. Time to kill the witch's child! Wait, is that child murder? I mean it is the child of the devil, but a child nontheless. If it's a kid, shouldn't we try to like, institutionalize him? It could just be a Hellboy situation. I guess the town is pro choice? But, the kid is already born. huh. I have devoted my life to vanquishing evil. Maybe I should turn my gun to the town? The mayor? But, then whose going to pay me? Okay time to kill this kid, or demon youngling.

End Music
Green on Green - Death Road to Canada OST - By Joey Grady


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