Tape Recorder with Vintage DBX Compressor (BUDGET finds)

Описание к видео Tape Recorder with Vintage DBX Compressor (BUDGET finds)

Let's record with a Tascam Portastudio 424, a DBX 118 compressor, and the new Warm Audio Mutation Phasor pedal. We'll get parallel compression, cassette tape saturation, and all around analog tape recorder FUN. Poor man's DBX 160!

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My Tape Recording Tactics Course:

Warm Audio MPX -    • Warm Audio WA-MPX Tube Mic Preamp Rev...  
Warm Audio Mutation Phasor -    • Warm Audio Mutation Phasor II Phaser ...  
MXL Revelation II -    • the CHEAPEST tube mic (MXL Revelation...  

So the DBX 118 is a lot like a DBX 160 but a fraction of the cost. The gear in my videos is always cheap! Give used gear a good home ok? (My home.)

Gear From this Video:
Warm Audio Mutation Phaser - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/oqXrJW
Warm Audio MPX - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/m55LY7
MXL Revelation II - https://sweetwater.sjv.io/nLnnJ6
Electro Voice RE20 - https://imp.i114863.net/n1KG79
SM7B Dynamic mic - https://imp.i114863.net/WDLb1e
SM57 Dynamic mic - https://imp.i114863.net/Eajk3D

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