Fascia Facial Massage for Relaxation

Описание к видео Fascia Facial Massage for Relaxation

The muscles of the face share a deep connection with the vagus nerve also called the tenth cranial nerve. In this video, Jill demonstrates how to mobilize and massage specific muscles and bones of the face to illicit a global relaxation response and tone down facial tensions.
Using YTU Therapy balls or your fingers, apply gentle pressures to these specific points to stimulate the vagus nerve. Focus on our breath, allowing the exhale to be slightly longer than the inhales.

The first placement is the TMJ - Temporal Mandibular Joint. The muscles associated with this joint are the masseter and the pterygoids and are responsible for the movements of the jaw.
The bony structures that make up this joint are the mandible, zygoma and maxilla. Follow along with this deeply internal massage designed to de-stress these eating, talking and teeth clenching muscles!

The second muscular placement is the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. This muscle runs down the lateral aspect (sides) of the nose and is your nose scrunching (think bunny rabbit) muscle, drawing your upper lip towards your nose.

The next placement is in the third eye region or procerus muscle, a pyramid shaped muscle between the eyebrows that pulls the skin between the eyebrows down with the help of the corrugator supercilii muscle.

The last muscular placement is the temporalis muscle, right above the zygomatic arch which is the origin point for the masseter and part of the temporalis muscle. The temporalis muscle elevates the lower jaw in order to bite or close it.

The final stop on our fascia facial is the ears, Using your index fingers, explore the concha, our just outside the inner ear. Close your eyes and feel how all these moves create a sense of whole body harmony.

For more information about the vagus nerve visit us at http://www.tuneupfitness.com/blog/vag...


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