Healing Energy and Frequency Updates with Kelly

Описание к видео Healing Energy and Frequency Updates with Kelly

Holding Your Space is a space for community, growth, meditation, and healing.
Teri offers space for a meditation community, personal intuitive readings, mediumship, and channeling, guides angels, and galatics. I love interviewing trauma specialists, seers, mediums, channelers and galactic channelers. Join us as we experience growth, community, intuitive awakenings, and joy.
Teri is a certified Meditation Coach with the Chopra Foundation and accredited Metaphysical Teacher by the School of Metaphysics. I am a psychic medium, channeler, remote viewer and intuitive.
I've seen angels and spirit since early childhood. At 12 I started attending the School of Metaphysics, giving Akashic readings and teaching. I'm happy to have found a home in the YouTube Spiritual and Intuitive family community.

Join our tribe for guided Meditations Monday through Friday, 8:11 Central

#channeling #loveandkindness #love #chopra #morningmeditation #meditation #tarot #oracle #intuition #healing #chakrahealing #higherconsciousness #bliss #joy #gallactics #wisdom #spirituality #crystilline #tarot
#guides #angels #ancestors #spirituality #spiritguide #lightworker #lightgrid #leylines #karma #traumahealing #trauma #christconscious #universalenergy #universalconsciousness #superconsciousmind #chopra #meditation


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