
Описание к видео #Promotion

रेलवे में अचयन पद पर एनजी कर्मचारियों की पदोन्नति Promotion of NG staff on Non-selection post !
Training and discussion on #MC-37 on subject on " #Promotion of #Non-Gazetted staff on #Non-selection post".

For more #videos on #Establishment #Rules of #Indian #Railways please click below:
   / @yenamandra_radheshyam4555  

#Please #follow my #channel for-
#रेल्वे मे #चयन/#अचयन पर #प्रश्न बैंक, #Quiz Competition on Selection Suitability in #RAILWAYS,#What are the #rules for #conducting #selection and #suitability #test in #Railways,#रेलवे में #चयन और #उपयुक्तता परीक्षा कराने के क्या नियम हैं,#multiple #choice #questions on railway establishment rules, #question bank on establishment rules, #question #bank for #railway establishment, #establishment question bank, #establishment #question in #indian railways


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