Welcome To The Treasure Is YAHUAH (Introduction Video)

Описание к видео Welcome To The Treasure Is YAHUAH (Introduction Video)

We are still in the cave, being taught by the Ruach Ha'Qodush. Yahuah willing, more & more, we shall take steps further heading outwards by his will. Everyday we are drawing closer, everyday our hearts desire him. Barak Yahuah! Barak Yahuah! Shalom Beloved ones of Abba Yahuah! We welcome you! We give all the esteem to Abba Yahuah! Barak Yahuah! Whole-heartedly, we thank everyone Abba has sent recently, we have noticed a wave of children ushering in, and how sincere your hearts are towards Abba Yahuah and to us. Truthfully, we ourselves are overwhelmed by your love. We welcome each of you with a tender kiss & a warm embrace through the most Qodush Master Yahusha Hamashiach. Tudah Abba Yahuah! Yadah Yahuah!


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