UK - Trimble is elected new First Minister

Описание к видео UK - Trimble is elected new First Minister

(1 Jul 1998) T/I: 11:05:19

David Trimble, leader of the Protestant Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), was elected Northern Ireland's new First Minister Wednesday and Seamus Mallon, deputy leader of the Catholic Social Democratic and Labour Party, the deputy leader. Their nominations by UUP member John Taylor and supported by SDLP leader John Hume were approved by the 108-member assembly at its inaugural sesssion.



Presiding officer Lord Alderdice signing register;
SOT Alderdice asking for nominations of first minister and deputy first minister;
SOT Ulster Unionist deputy leader John Taylor proposing UU leader David Trimble and SDLP deputy Seamus Mallon;
SOT SDLP leader John Hume: "I'm very glad to be standing to second this proposal made by John Taylor of David Trimble and Seamus Mallon because it symobolises the objectives of this isutution which are setting up which is that the representives of both sections of community work together in best interests of our community";
Alderdice asks Trimble to accept nomination;
Trimble accepts;
WS as Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams stands;
SOT Adams: (English);"Would like to say very pleased to be here and so many others here with us."
SOT Adams in Gaelic;
DUP leader Rev Ian Paisley and others start talking;
SOT Lord Alderdice calling for order as Paisley and Co heckle Adams;
CU Paisley laughing;
WS Adams standing with Paisley sitting opposite;


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