20220203 Then They Fight You

Описание к видео 20220203 Then They Fight You

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
Mahatma Ghandi

I have noted lately that the narrative is shifting rapidly.

I'm beginning to be hopeful that the narrative shift is accelerating into a preference cascade, wherein preferences change so fast, the narrative flips literally overnight.

In the space of a week, the trucker convoy went from being ignored, to being ridiculed as "an extreme element of racists and misogynists."

Now, I'm all for Prime Minister Woman Abuser Mc Blackface calling other opinions "fringe" "misogynistic" and "racist," it makes for grade A comedy. Sadly, the jokes on us, because PM Blackface is only PM to the 1/3 of the country that is comprised of yellow dog Liberals.

Sadly, yellow dog conservatives and yellow dog NDPers are left out of HIS Canada.

Anyway, the bought and paid for (to the tune of $600 million, courtesy the taxpayer) whores of the press are now in full attack mode on the protesters.

And governments in Alberta and Ottawa are siccing the police on them.

And one scumbag city councilor in Ottawa is suing to get his greedy little politician's paws on their GoFundMe money.

We're in stage three, "..then they fight you..."

With hints of victory; Premier Hitler of Quebec has cancelled plans for his unvaxxed tax. Other provincial health authorities are talking about moving to endemicity...TOTALLY unrelated to the trucker protest of course.

Even in Jellyfish land Ontario, 54% of the public wants restrictions GONE.

Keep fighting, we're winning.

I hope.


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