My Beautiful Homeland | Jehad Jazbeh | Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra (SEPO)

Описание к видео My Beautiful Homeland | Jehad Jazbeh | Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra (SEPO)

My Beautiful Homeland (2015)
Composed, Orchestrated and Solo by Jehad Jazbeh

Performed by Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra (SEPO) in cooperation with Belgian National Orchestra at Bozar Concert Hall within Klara Festival, March 21st, 2017

Conducted by Ghassan Alaboud

This work was adopted on the main melody of a pop song which was sung by the famous singer "Dalida".
The idea of this work was inspired by the content of the original song lyrics, which talks about memories, love and longing for homeland. and this content is directly related to the collective emotional status of the Syrians in the expatriate towards their homeland.
This work was composed of the interplay of the main melodies of the original work and the addition of new variations, as the radical change in the rhythm and harmonic, to be mixture of the oriental character and the classical harmonic ground.

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