Flutter Google Gemini Application

Описание к видео Flutter Google Gemini Application

This is a Flutter web application that you can run on your Chrome or Edge browser . This Flutter web application is a Gemini Chatbot kind of application where you can give your Prompt and wait for the answer or solution or the output (Result).

How to Get started
1) After the launch of the application,.
2) You will see Options to register with your email id and password and sign into the Application .You will be navigated to my Gemini Home Page, where you can give your own Prompt and check the result, etc.
3) You can also directly login to the application with your gmail ID and password, or sign up to create a new Google account and sign into the application .You will be navigated to my Gemini Home Page, where you can give your own Prompt and check the result, etc.
4)You can even sign out and come to the main application screen i.e start of the Application.

Link to my flutter web app : https://gemini-api-app-746e7.web.app

My Flutter web application is integrated with Firebase Google Sign authentication as well as email ID and password authentication, i.e., the user can login both with his or her registered email and password, which he/she has registered with, and also directly sign in with their Gmail credentials. I have used the Google Gemini API by registering at https://aistudio.google.com/app/apikey and creating an API key. I have used my apiKey, projectId, and clientId in my dart file in my Flutter web application. Here in my application, I have used the Generative model called 'gemini-1.5-pro'.


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