Tasman Glacier Walk Sep 2020 | Blue Lakes | New Zealand Walking Tour 4K | New Zealand Travel | 塔斯曼冰川

Описание к видео Tasman Glacier Walk Sep 2020 | Blue Lakes | New Zealand Walking Tour 4K | New Zealand Travel | 塔斯曼冰川

If you visit Mount Cook New Zealand, don't miss the must-see Tasman Glacier. The 27 km Tasman glacier is the longest in New Zealand. It is an easy 20 minutes climb to get to the view point. You can see the Blue Lakes along the way. It is definitely spectacular. This video was recorded in September 2020 during Covid-19 while New Zealand border remains closed.

Tasman Lake, Tasman River, 新西兰塔斯曼冰川, New Zealand 4K


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