SURPRISING My Wife With a NEW BOAT!! -- ( I Hope She's Not Mad...)

Описание к видео SURPRISING My Wife With a NEW BOAT!! -- ( I Hope She's Not Mad...)

Support Our New Fishing Apparel Company: THE SLAB FACTORY HERE!

Today, I am surprising my wife with a brand new boat! We have loved every minute in our previous one, but in order to take our expanding family out with us on future trips we had to make the decision to upgrade! Jay knew I was looking at a few different boats, but had no idea exactly what I was getting so this is the grand reveal for her and I hope she likes it! We hope you enjoy this episode, if so, hit the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE for so much more! Thanks and we will see you on the next one!

The Slab Factory!!!

Cole and Jay Crappie Magnet Bundles!

Snag 6th Sense Fishing Gear Here!

Link To ACC Crappie Stix

Check Out Super 6 Sack Here! Use Code: CJSUPER6 for $10 off!


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