The Sweetness of Guruji's Darshan | Divine Sight

Описание к видео The Sweetness of Guruji's Darshan | Divine Sight

During her seva, a devotee took some beautiful pictures of Guruji at the SA Jan 2024 Darshan and I had to share them. This song is one of my favourite song by Isha Sounds. It encapsulates a seeker's experience of catching a glimpse of his/her Guru for the very first time. The sweetness and mystery of a Guru-Disciple Relationship.

A Video by Merylene Chitharai (Ekiya Dasi)
Picture Credit: Nina Beranek (Chaayakumari)
Song Credit: Sounds of Isha (Singer): Aishwarya Nigam, (Flute): Sameer Rao


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