ggplot2 package| How to create bar chart?

Описание к видео ggplot2 package| How to create bar chart?

A bar graph is a frequently used type of display that compares counts, frequencies, totals or other summary measures for a series of categories, e.g. sales in different market sectors or in quarters in a financial year. The bar graph can be laid out with the categories either on the vertical or horizontal axis of the display – depending on whether we consider making a vertical or horizontal comparison is easier for interpreting the graph.

In ggplot2, the bar graph is created using geom_bar ( ) object. ggplot ( ) function uses statistical transformations (stat="count") of the data frame to create frequency bar graph i.e. counting number of occurrences the categorical variable in a data set.
The statistical transformation (stat="identity") is used to plot the raw values of the categorical variable.

We will work on IMDB movies data set and create bar chart to understand more on the movies' Genre.
The Rmarkdown file is available at Github repo:


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