Baby - Donnie & Joe Emerson | Music Video

Описание к видео Baby - Donnie & Joe Emerson | Music Video

Everyone copes differently.

In the 1980s, Jimmy “The Entertainer” Crawford (also known as The Chin) was one of the most well known cabaret singers until he disappeared from the scene in the early 90s for unknown reasons.

At the beginning of the summer he mysteriously contacted us about making a music video to Donnie and Joe Emerson’s 1979 cult classic, Baby. All he asked was that he star in it and that we “make him look good.” He cut us a check for $10,000 and left us with one final statement: “I want them to remember me.” He never spoke to us during the shoot.

Directed by Jacob Staudenmaier & Chris Pickering
DP: Chris Pickering
G&E: Owen Markham, Tom Bolles, Ethan Callahan, Will Streissguth
SFX Makeup Artist: Nadia Stone
VFX: Joey Sperber


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