Pacejka Editor with UMG

Описание к видео Pacejka Editor with UMG

If you tell someone that you are doing a physical simulation of a vehicle, then every second person who has ever done this himself will definitely ask you - "What tire model, not pacejka by chance?" This empirical model was originally developed for the needs of automotive and tire manufacturers. The function made it quite easy to get a tire force value from slip ratio/angle and vertical rection force. You just need to play a little with the parameters of the function to fit the curve to real data. In this video, I show the most basic function developed back in 1989. As input, the function takes the force of the normal reaction of the tire (Fz) and slip ratio or slip angle. And also a set of coefficients - B, C, D, E - the main parameters of the function, by changing which you can change the nature of the function. In subsequent years, the formula became more complicated and acquired additional coefficients (a huge variety of coefficients) that made it possible to adjust the curve more and more finely and "simulate" changes in forces under the influence of new external circumstances (camber, tire pressure, load sensitivity, etc.). But to better understand how this "magic" formula works, it's best to start with the most basic one. Moreover, it underlies all subsequent modifications.


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