Newly released bodycam footage shows Illinois Dem rolling eyes during drunk driving arrest

Описание к видео Newly released bodycam footage shows Illinois Dem rolling eyes during drunk driving arrest

Newly released bodycam footage shows Illinois Democrat Samantha Steele rolling her eyes and dropping the fact that she is an elected official as Chicago police officers place her under arrest for drunk driving.

In the footage, an arresting officer tells Steele, the Cook County Board of Review commissioner, that if she does not exit her car, he will help her out, warning her, “You don’t want that.”

“You don’t want that,” Steele fires back matter-of-factly. “I’m an elected official.”

Steele then nods smugly at the officer before telling him she works in Cook County. When asked which office, she appears to give a nonchalant shrug before seemingly rolling her eyes at the officer’s questions.


#politics #police #drunkdriving #bodycamarrest #illinois #chicago

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