A talk with Kacem

Описание к видео A talk with Kacem

A talk with Dr Kacem Zoughari in December 2015.

We were lucky enough to sit down and talk with Dr Kacem Zoughari about many budo topics, he answered these questions with zero notice and we cannot thank him enough for his time.

Please note, we filmed this before the start of the second day of the Seichusen Dojo Summer seminar, it was about 7am and 33c already, you may be able to hear a fan, I am sorry but it was too hot not to have it on for the equipment.

Topics include

-Judo's Classical Arts connection (Kobudo Kenkyukai)
-Takamatsu and Judo
-On Teaching
-Reflections on the masters.
-Reflections on warriors from history.
-Kukishinden and the Kuki family
-Jubei Yagyu
-Names and the Ryu
-The Line!!!!
-Busting myths about Minamoto Yoshitsune and Ghengis Kahn and the Shinden Fudo Ryu .
-On mysticism

and more.

Thank you

Bujinkan Seichusen Dojo

Newcastle Australia



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