How to install GarlicOS in 2 MINUTES! | RG35XX Tutorial

Описание к видео How to install GarlicOS in 2 MINUTES! | RG35XX Tutorial

Since making this guide one step has changed, there are now two files you need to download, they have the extension .001 and .002. Those together will extract the image file.

That probably means that the partition with the ROMs folder isn't giving assigned a drive letter on your computer. You can manually assign it a drive letter using this method:

Step 1. Right-click This PC and choose Manage - Disk Management.

Step 2. Find your USB drive in the list. Right-click the FAT32 volume on your SD card drive and select Change Drive Letter and Paths.

Step 3. In the window that opens, click Change.

Step 4. Assign a new drive letter to your USB drive and click OK.


GarlicOS is a great, easy, useful, powerful, beautiful emulation frontend for the RG35xx. I’m going to show you how to install it, and it’s only gonna take 2 freaking minutes if you can believe that!

The MicroSD Card I recommend:
Great MicroSD Card Reader:

RG35XX Review:    • Is this AWESOME handheld the new "Min...  
Download GarlicOS:   / garlicos-for-76561333  
Download Balena Etcher (FREE):
Download 7-Zip (FREE):
Download MiniTool Partition Wizard (FREE):
My custom GarlicOS Boot logo & Skin:   / techdweeb-skin-79897614  


WHAT YOU’LL NEED: You will need an RG35xx retro gaming handheld console. Obviously. You’ll need a microSD card of whatever size you want, I think a 32gb is fine but get a bigger one if you want lots of PS1 games. (link to the brand I suggest in the description below). You’ll also need to download the GarlicOS microSD card image from the link below. And you’ll need to download and install 3 programs - 7zip, MiniTool partition wizard and Balena etcher, which are also linked in the description below.

1. UNZIP YOUR IMAGE. After you install 7zip, right click on the archive microSD card image you downloaded and select extract to folder.

2. FLASH THE IMAGE. Next we need to flash the image. Plug in your microSD card into your computer and then Start up Balena Etcher, then click flash from file, and select the garlic.img from the microSD card image folder. Then click “select target” and put a checkbox beside the SD card drive. MAKE SURE YOU SELECT THE RIGHT DRIVE OR YOU *WILL* LOSE DATA. You have been warned. Then click flash. It’ll only take a minute or two.

3. EXPAND PARTITIONS. Now we need to expand the partition. After the flash is done, open MiniTool Partition Wizard and find your SD card in the list of drives. In the area representing your SD card you’ll see several partitions listed, find the one that is formatted as FAT32, right click on it, then select “move/resize”. In here drag the slider all the way to the right to expand the partition to the full size of your SD card. Click okay in this screen, then click apply in the bottom left corner of the program.

4. COPY OVER YOUR STUFF. Now you should be able to see the SD card listed under this PC. You might see several drives listed, or get an unreadable drive error, you can just ignore those. Open your SD card drive and you’ll see 4 folders, BIOS, CFW, ROMS, and SAVES. Copy your rom collections into the rom folders, You can even copy these over from the original SD card that came with your RG35xx. And copy your bios files into the bios folder, which is actually optional I think, I didn’t bother with the bios files and I’ve had no problems.

That’s it! you’re freaking done!

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Intro: Captive Portal - Intro For A Nonexisting Video Game
Outro: RoccoW - Chipho instrumental

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