The Ultimatum - Season 3 - Part 1 Review Episodes 1-5 Review

Описание к видео The Ultimatum - Season 3 - Part 1 Review Episodes 1-5 Review

Just two South African girlies who've decided to take their reviews of the Ultimatum out the group chat. In this episode, we bring you our first review of episodes 1-5 of The Ultimatum, Marry me or move on. Join us on again on December 16th when we review episodes 6-8 and again on December 18th for the final decision review.

In this show, there are 6 different couples. One issues an ultimatum to the other to get married while the other is not ready for marriage. They break up and date eachother then move in with another partner other than the one they came with for 3 weeks for a trial marriage. After the 3 week period, they move in with their original partner for another trial marriage. In the end, they need to decide whether they will propose to their original partner, leave with the new partner they met on the show, or leave by themselves.

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