Final Fantasy IV - Golbez (ゴルベーザ)

Описание к видео Final Fantasy IV - Golbez (ゴルベーザ)

#174 Golbez
Level: 38, HP: 9999 (not 2971, ohohoho :|), Exp: 40000, Gil: 11000
Attack: 44, Accuracy: 115
Defense: 200, Magic Defense: 22
Evasion: 10, Magic Evasion: 15
Strength: 46, Stamina: 44, Speed: 30, Intellect: 28, Spirit: 34 (kinda ironic since I see a lot of people - me included - using him as a mage-type character. Except he can equip heavy armour. And spears. And axes. And hammers. And-- you know what, forget it! Also, why is his Spirit higher? He has no use for staves!)
Absorbs: Varies
Resists: None
Weakness: Varies (initially Holy) (and yet he can equip the Holy Lance ._. way to drop the ball SE! Okay okay, I know, holy swords are classed separately from normal swords, Holy Lance is still "just" a spear...)
Vulnerable to: Slow, Sap (I'm sorry, I ran out of Hermes Sandals, and our little princeling is NOT responding)

PSP:    • Final Fantasy IV (PSP) - Golbez (ゴルベーザ)  

*Watch as this turns into a rambling area about how awesome he is in The After Years, lol
*On that note, I play him as a mage, and you should too. He doesn't get Break or Stop or the other status spells of Palom and Rydia, but since my strat relies on killing things as fast as, that crazy stamina works to his advantage, especially when Taunt is in play. Just don't forget to heal him every once in a while!
*Golbez uses Barrier Shift to change elemental properties. What this does is make him weak to a random element and absorb all else; he uses this every time you hit said weakness. Use Libra to analyse him and then use the attack command (don't actually attack!) to check the status screen at the bottom, not shown here.
*It's generally better to keep the other party members dead here, I just happened to get really lucky.
*You actually play this battle (along with several others) from Golbez's POV in The After Years! They're all scripted, I think. What's more important is that these flashbacks are the only place in the game you can get the Ebony Blade for him - de-equip through the item command, and it'll be added to your inventory. Attack +20, Intelligence +3, Spirit +3.
*Did you know he's left-handed? It serves as a totally neat contrast to Cecil, who is of course right-handed. Always the small details.
**Of course when I switch weapons mid-battle - oops forgot to equip the Stardust Rod before a boss! - I still end up going for the right hand first because of bloody muscle memory _-
*He would've been a totally cool older brother if it weren't for the mind-control thing :( (pay attention to his talk with Ceodore in the Subterrane; he still feels guilty over the shit he -unwillingly pulled in this game, and he specifically states that he returned to help Cecil, an indicator of the protectiveness he likely would've shown sans mind-control.


Golbez (speaking as Ceodore approaches): You need something?
Ceodore: N-no...
Golbez (turning): You're... Ceodore, yes?
Ceodore: Uh...yes.
Golbez: I had no idea he had a son at all, much less one your age.
Ceodore: I, er... They say you are my father's elder brother.
Golbez: Was.
Ceodore: What? [Incidentally, I'm impressed he didn't go "Huh?" like the dozen other times something like this happened]
Golbez (turning away): I brought the world to the brink of destruction.
Since then, I've hidden myself away from the universe.
Ceodore (stepping forward): So what made you come back now, then?
Golbez (turning): What?
Ceodore: Why did you return to us during this time of crisis?
Golbez: ...
Ceodore: Did you... come to help us, then? To help my father?
Golbez: I did.


You should see his After Years artwork!



But he DOES look totally cute when he's casting a spell :3

(last two, second row)

[ShadowSylis] I swear! He is calling the monsters "Losers" before casting Bio on them x.X
[Jak7733] I thought he was getting ready to disco dance.


START Fire, Fira, Firaga, Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Bio / 32 Osmose / 35 Drain / 42 Quake / 55 Flare / 60 Meteor

He's going into the back row, then. What should I give him? A Defender, perhaps? I'm going to go Adamantite farming anyway, so it's not I'll be lacking any... (EDIT: oh wait I already finished the game lol)


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