We Have to Crucify the Flesh | Dr. D'Ann Johnson | Sunday, 2-24-2019 /11am

Описание к видео We Have to Crucify the Flesh | Dr. D'Ann Johnson | Sunday, 2-24-2019 /11am

Galatians 5:16-25

There is a reason Christians still sin. Unchecked and unbridled human nature will rise up every day. Walking in the spirit means doing right before the law, not after the law.

Verse 19. The works of the flesh are evident. Those sinful dispositions of the human heart. Human fleshy desires will display themselves by our works. The greatest area of fleshly works are production in the relation to others. If we are not constantly yielding to the Spirit, we discover that there are some things in us that will make their way to the outside.

"Anything that calls you away from God—is your god" —Dr. D’Ann Johnson


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