Anime Gaming Con ⭐ Fresno ⭐ Artist Alley Vlog

Описание к видео Anime Gaming Con ⭐ Fresno ⭐ Artist Alley Vlog

(I had to delete and reupload this video since there was a big mess-up in the editing of the first uploaded video. All good now! XD)

What's this?! A NEW Vlog? WHY YES!

Hey everyone! It has been awhile since I posted a video, and I am sorry for vanishing like that. I will be making another vlog after this explaining what has been keeping me busy and away from normal vlogging schedules. I do hope you like this AA vlog for now though!

I did my best to provide as much footage as possible during this event, but it was really slow and there wasn't much to share honestly. This event somehow felt worse than the previous year, yet somehow I hit the same profit margin? It was weird...haha. Even with it being slow, it was a really fun event with friends (new and old). So that always makes events worthwhile I think :3.

⭐ Check out the previous vlog for this event! Back when it was known as Anime Gaming Expo: ⭐
   • Artist Alley Vlog ★ Aɴɪᴍᴇ Gᴀᴍɪɴɢ Exᴘᴏ ★  

⭐ I make stickers now! Go to if you want me to make stickers for you!

⭐ No sweater ordering available just yet, but I'll post a link here soon!


🎵 Music "Pac Man" by ‘Pop Culture’
   • (no copyright music) kawaii lofi type...  

🎵    • (no copyright music) lofi jazz type b...  

♪ 3pm, moshi moshi by Piki
   • Piki - 3pm, moshi moshi 📞📞 | cute & k...  


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