Historical Anthems: Anthem of SFR Yugoslavia 1945-1992

Описание к видео Historical Anthems: Anthem of SFR Yugoslavia 1945-1992

Lyrics in Serbo-Croatian

Hej Slaveni, jošte živi
Riječ naših djedova
Dok za narod srce bije
Njihovih sinova

Živi, živi duh slavenski
Živjet će vjekov’ma
Zalud prijeti ponor pakla
Zalud vatra groma

2. Nek se sada i nad nama
Burom sve raznese
Stijena puca, dub se lama
Zemlja nek se trese

Mi stojimo postojano
Kano klisurine
Proklet bio izdajica
Svoje domovine!

English Translation

Slavs, there still lives
Word of our grandfathers
While the sons’ heart beats
For the people

Live, live, Slavic spirit
You will live for centuries
Futile is the Hell’s abyss
Futile is the fire of thunder

2. Even if now there above us
Storm shatters everything
Stone breaks, tree shatters
Earth quakes

We stand steadily
As river gorges
Damned be the traitor
Of his homeland!


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