Sliedrechtse Biesbosch - Dordtse Biesbosch Drone beelden

Описание к видео Sliedrechtse Biesbosch - Dordtse Biesbosch Drone beelden

The Sliedrechtse Biesbosch is a nature reserve in South Holland and forms the northernmost part of the National Park De Biesbosch. It is bordered by the Beneden-Merwede in the north, the Nieuwe Merwede in the south, the Wantij in the west and the Boven-Merwede in the east.

The Dordtse Biesbosch is an approximately 1000 hectare part of the Hollandse Biesbosch. It can be found on the southern part of the Island of Dordrecht.

The Dordtse Biesbosch is located on the Hollandsch Diep and the Nieuwe Merwede next to the Moerdijk Bridge south of Dordrecht. Accessible from the A16, exit 20 's Gravendeel, via the N3, direction Dordtse Biesbosch.

The Dordtse Biesbosch consists of various 'plates', such as the Janusplaat, Noorderelsplaat, Hoge Biezenplaat, Tongueplaat, Lower and Upper Beversluisplaat, Koekplaat. There is also the Stormhoek area and the Lepelaarsgat, Noorderdiep and Zeehondengat waters.

Near Dordrecht is the Biesbosch Center Dordrecht, which is owned by Nature and Recreation Board De Hollandse Biesbosch.


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