Fly Ash क्या होता हैं | How is Fly Ash Made | Why We Use Fly Ash in Construction

Описание к видео Fly Ash क्या होता हैं | How is Fly Ash Made | Why We Use Fly Ash in Construction

Fly Ash क्या होता हैं | How is Fly Ash Made | Why We Use Fly Ash in Construction

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About This Video -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In this video Er. Gaurav Sahu, Corporate Trainer of Civil Guruji Explains About the Fly Ash क्या होता हैं | How is Fly Ash Made | Why We Use Fly Ash in Construction

Fresher Engineer Should Know the Reality of the Industry & Demand for Skills before INVESTING Money

In this informative video, we delve into the world of Fly Ash - a byproduct of burning coal and an essential material in construction. Discover what Fly Ash is, its production process, and its significant role in sustainable construction practices. We'll explore how Fly Ash is transformed from a waste product into a valuable resource, contributing to both environmental and structural benefits. Join us as we shed light on its applications and benefits in enhancing the durability, strength, and sustainability of concrete structures.

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Fly Ash क्या होता हैं | How is Fly Ash Made | Why We Use Fly Ash in Construction
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